Javascript: The Beginning

19 Jan 2022

JavaScript the Beginning

So far, Javascript has been quite interesting to say the least. This language is simple and easy to learn, regardless of one’s background in Computer Science. However, having a background in Computer Science would certainly help in the learning experience. In comparison, Javascript has the same declarations as in Java and C with slight differences with “let”, “var” and the lack of variable types. Due to the lack of variable types, the language implies the variable type based on its value, whether it be an integer or a string. Along with this, function parameters only require a name of the variable to be passed in. Although I am directly learning this language now, I have seen other similar languages to it through open source games such as Table Fighter Online that used the platform BYOND and its own language.

Personally, Javascript seems to be a rather good language from a software engineering standpoint because of its simplicity and flexibility. The ability to define variables as needed without the need to explicitly state its type is an advantage as it reduces time spent coding. Being able to send functions as function parameters also allows for memory efficiency. In regard to memory efficiency, passing one function into another means that it does not require the initialization of another variable to store the results of the first function to use the other.

I believe that athletic software engineering is something worthwhile as it provides routine coding under time constraints much like in coding interviews. The practice WODs were, and still are, a new concept to me and I appreciate the timed aspect of it. Being given placings based on time helps a ton in knowing where we should be. Before experiencing WODs, some of us were just given online quizzes that ended after 10-15 minutes without knowing what time we should be expected to finish. Despite the stressful nature of the WODs, after finishing, I appreciate this style of learning compared to my previous classes.